


幼少期から多彩な色の世界で育つ。20歳を過ぎ、自分が好きになれず、人生がうまくいかなくなる。3.11をきっかけに「ワクワクだけを信じて生きる」という生き方に変える決心をする。2012年12月に、ペルーの一人旅で死に直面し、人生観が大きく変わる。帰国後双子の姉と「 あーす・じぷしー」を結成。600ドルだけでアメリカに渡り、心を大切にして生きていけるのか、実験の旅に出る。


著書に「EARTH GYPSY」、「受け入れの法則」。好きな場所はペルーのクスコ、北インド、チェンマイ。

Maho was born a twin with her sister in Oita Prefecture. Ever since birth, she has had synesthesia in which sounds, people, places, and memories evoke her with the visualization of a particular color. she has therefore spent her life growing up in a world filled with rainbows of color. Faced with a number of personal issues at the age of twenty, she found difficulty in loving herself for who she was. It was only after the Great East Japan Earthquake on March 11 2011, that she decided to change her life by trusting in the thrills and excitement that fate brings. In December 2012, she came face-to-face with death while travelling alone in Peru. It was then that her outlook on life changed dramatically. Returning back to Japan, she established “EARTH GYPSY” with her twin sister. With just $600 in hand and trepidation in their hearts, the sisters set off to America on an experimental journey. She is on an ongoing quest to explore the colours of her cosmos through lectures, literary writings, and artistic creations. Her literary works include “EARTH GYPSY”, and “The Law of Acceptance”. Favorite destinations include Cusco Peru, Northern India, and Chiangmai.