【登壇者のご紹介】シャノン N スミスさん

[English follows Japanese]


第一弾として発表された4名の方の中から、シャノン N スミスさんをご紹介します。



ーシャノン N スミスー

アメリカ人の父と日本人の母の間に日本で生まれたシャノン N スミスさん。







Eight speakers have been set for TEDxHimi2017.

 First, let us introduce speaker Shannon N. Smith.

 “A ray of light seen from the depth”

– Shannon N. Smith-


Shannon was born to an American father and a Japanese mother. He grew up studying at an international school in Japan. From his gentle looks and diversified background, nobody would have imagined that he has lived such a stormy life.

 As Shannon was absorbing various cultures, with a desire for world peace, and free from chains such as religion, race and culture, he was unexpectedly lead in the wrong direction. He became dependent on drugs and had often been in critical condition during high school. To top it off, he found himself in a religious cult.

 During these tough times, he saw things he strongly believed in turned upside down and people he trusted leave him. What did he gain from these experiences?

 He has been able to be kind not only to himself but to others. He was able to change when he accepted the things he could not envision.

 His talk will help you find the truth in you and see who you really are.